© 2018 Steven Foster

A dandelion monograph for the home

Latin Name: Taraxacum officinale

Common Names: dandelion, lion’s tooth, blowball

This dandelion monograph provides basic information about dandelion—common names, usefulness and safety, and resources for more information.

Source: https://nccih.nih.gov/

Dandelion Basics

  • Dandelion greens are edible and are a rich source of vitamin A. Dandelion has been used in traditional medical systems, including Native American, traditional Chinese, and traditional Arabic medicine.
  • Dandelion has a long history of use for problems of the liver, gallbladder, and bile ducts. Today, dandelion as a dietary supplement is used as a blood “tonic,” as a diuretic, for minor digestive problems, and for other purposes.
  • The leaves and roots of the dandelion, or the whole plant, are used fresh or dried in capsules or extracts. As a food, dandelion is used as a salad green and in soups, wine, and teas.

Dandelion in Health Research

  • We know very little about dandelion’s health effects. There’s little scientific evidence on this herb.

Dandelion Research Summary

  • There’s no compelling scientific evidence supporting the use of dandelion for any health condition.

Dandelion Safety

  • The use of dandelion as a food is generally considered safe. However, some people are allergic to dandelion; allergic reactions are especially likely in people who are allergic to related plants such as ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds, and daisies. The safety of using dandelion supplements for health-related purposes is uncertain.

Dandelion References

  • Dandelion. In: Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckmann J, eds. Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs. Newton, MA: Integrative Medicine Communications; 2000:78-83.
  • Dandelion. Natural Medicines Web site. Accessed at naturalmedicines.therapeuticresearch.com on April 3, 2015. [Database subscription].