Playing team sports like basketball, volleyball, and soccer is a great way to get in your 150 minutes of physical activity during the week. Invite your friends, join a team, or play with your family and find a sport you all can enjoy.

Check to see if your office has access to an onsite FOH wellness fitness center or park and corral your coworkers to join you for a quick pick-up game as you create and develop better social and personal relationships with them.

Adding playtime to your life and inviting your network of friends, family, and colleagues to join you can make you happier and healthier.

Why Choose Team Sports?

Playing sports can help you make friends, boost your mood, and teach you tons of skills. In particular, girls who play sports may:

  • Have greater self-esteem and less depression
  • Learn how to set goals and work hard
  • Have a more positive body image
  • Learn about working as part of a team
  • Do better in school

Choosing a Team Sport

It helps to think about a few issues when choosing a sport. Start by asking yourself some questions:

  • Do you like to work together with teammates, the way you do in soccer or lacrosse?
  • Do you prefer to work more on your own, as in swimming or track?
  • How do you feel about competition? Does it twist your tummy? Maybe inviting a friend to shoot hoops or go hiking is more for you.
  • Do you like to keep moving? Does soccer, basketball, or field hockey sound fun to you?
    Do you like music? You might think about dance and cheerleading, which can offer great workouts.
  • Are you interested in relaxing and connecting your mind and body, like you do in yoga or Pilates ?

Sources: PSC,

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