Have you ever gotten a fever? Afterwards do you say you are a “fever survivor”? Mostly likely not, because you are aware that the fever is just a symptom caused by something deeper whether it be a virus or bacteria; and that it will eventually go away. In a society […]
Why You Need Omega-3s
Omega-3s fatty acids are essential to great nutrition and should be incorporated as readily as a daily multivitamin. Why? Because they are essential for brain and emotional health, and also are key for reducing inflammation in the body. The ratio of North American omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid intake is […]
How Yoga Can Improve Your Health
Let’s talk about the health benefits of yoga Yoga & Mindfulness In this technological maelstrom of fast food and even quicker fixes, the growing practice of yoga and mindfulness techniques continues to offer shelter from the constant barrage of hustle and bustle. Even if you do not practice yoga, you […]